National Hot Dog & Sausage Council Kicks Off Hot Dog Month With 'Hot Dog City' Web Site

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Washington, DC, July 1, 2008 – As July ushers in National Hot Dog Month, the National Hot Dog & Sausage Council unveiled “Hot Dog City,” a new, culturally focused interactive website at The council also ‘premiered’ a companion YouTube Channel at www.YouTube.come/hotdogcouncil.

“Hot Dog City” features an interactive cityscape where a click on a mail box offers a listing of hot dog makers who mail order franks and a click on Frank’s Diner features a guide to hot dog recipes and a listing of great hot dog restaurants coast to coast. An interactive dachshund links…

National Hot Dog & Sausage Council Releases Poll Data for July’s National Hot Dog Month Hot Dogs and Baseball Still Reign as Two of America’s Most Treasured Icons

Friday, June 27, 2008

WASHINGTON, DC, June 27, 2008 – In anticipation of July’s National Hot Dog Month, the National Hot Dog and Sausage Council (NHDSC) released new national poll data confirming the strong “link” between hot dogs and sports, most notably, baseball.

According to the poll, hot dogs once again dominated fans’ favorite stadium fare. Approximately 63 percent of fans listed hot dogs as the one ballpark food they could not live without. Peanuts ranked a distant second with 18 percent, followed by pizza, cotton candy and,finally, cracker jacks

An astounding 88 percent of those polled…